How To Become An Ordained Minister In Texas


Becoming licensed or ordained as a Minister in the state of Texas is not easy. Licensing is carried out by a local church for a specific situation and calling. When seeking to be licensed, you are required to submit some documents to the Church Board:

  • 4-8 page self-written doctrinal statement of most important doctrines
  • One page writing highlighting your call to ministry


The ordination process revolves around the leader called by God to the ministry. During the ordination, the local church officially recognizes the individual called to serve. Ordination requirements vary due to the autonomous nature of churches. They don’t have a central governing body to regulate laws and authority. Before the actual ordination, you must have acquired all the requirements mentioned below:

Requirements To Becoming A Minister

  • Earn a bachelor’s degree
  • Complete a master’s degree
  • Have a valid ID card
  • Get certified

Earn A Bachelor’s Degree

A Minister is required to have possessed the following skills: 

  • A deep understanding of Biblical doctrine,
  •  The societal significance of the church 
  • The philosophy of religion 

A minister must also have a good understanding of church history. Potential pastors must possess a bachelor’s degree in theology, religious education, or Religious Studies. The program is supposed to enlighten a student on areas like:

  • Marriage and the church
  • Old and New testaments
  • Religious ethics
  • World religions
  • Mystery of God

Complete A Master’s Degree

A Master’s Degree is one of the basic requirements to getting employment as a minister. Churches require seeking ministers to hold a master’s degree in divinity. After going through this program, one will learn the severities of ascending the post of church leadership. The course will also equip the Minister with the skill to better represent the church and the local community.

The coursework includes:

  • Political theology
  • Conducting worship services
  • Theological aesthetics
  • Transformational leadership
  • Writing and delivering sermons

Have a valid ID card 

Proper identification is a must-have for every individual, especially when seeking to get ordained by your local church. Most Texas driver licenses and identification cards can be renewed with ease online for up to two years before or after expiration. Some of the benefits of proper and valid identification are:

  • Efficient access to essential government services
  • Protection and easy identification
  • Recognition as a licensed professional
  • Easy access to buildings and offices
  • Confirms your security clearance

Get Certified

Gaining certifications will improve your portfolio, and in turn, make you a more valued candidate. Popular certifications include:

  • Certified applications professional
  • Cloudera certified professional
Requirements To Becoming A Minister

Becoming a Pastor: Service to God and Service to Humanity

Some people feel confused when experiencing a call to ministry. Although throughout history, people of distinct beliefs and backgrounds have been called to serve in pastoral roles. This calling might come with challenges, especially for working parents. But some churches can provide an accommodating environment to allow the pastor to attend to his or her responsibilities.   

Standards of becoming ordained may vary, depending on the religious denomination. Some churches may demand a written examination, while others may prefer an oral examination. For some churches, the only thing you require is to perform specific tasks to qualify.

Some states insist on ministers obtaining a license to be eligible to work for a church. The licensing requirement may vary from one state to another. Therefore potential ministers are advised to check that of Texas before applying for a license.  


Ministers are encouraged to open and manage social media accounts to help them connect with their community. It makes it easier to communicate with the congregation about updates in the church, including present and plans. 


  1. How to Become a Minister, (2021):
  2. Lainie Petersen, How Much Do pastors Make? (2018):
  3. American Fellowship Church, How to Become a Legally Ordained Minister in Texas (1975-2019):
William Richmond
William Richmond
A Born Texan! Who loves to write about Texas. By profession, he is the owner of a big ranch having 4 children and a gorgeous wife.


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