How Big Is Australia Compared To Texas


Vast landscapes, rich histories, and cultural tapestries define both Australia and Texas. These lands, separated by oceans and continents, share unexpected similarities and striking differences. In this exploration, we’ll journey through the metrics of size, climate, economy, and culture to draw an in-depth comparison between the Lone Star State and the Land Down Under. Let’s learn how big is Australia compared to Texas.

A Glimpse at the Numbers

First, let’s delve into the raw numbers. Australia has a land area of about 7.692 million square kilometers, making it the sixth-largest country in the world. On the other hand, Texas, the second-largest state in the United States (behind Alaska), boasts an area of approximately 695,662 square kilometers.

Doing a simple comparison, Australia is over 11 times larger than Texas. If Texas were overlaid on a map of Australia, it would occupy only a fraction of the continent, roughly equivalent to a section of the eastern coast.

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Geographic Diversity 

While size is a tangible metric, it’s also worth noting the geographic diversity present in both regions. Texas offers a range of landscapes from deserts, plains, and forests to the coastline along the Gulf of Mexico. Its vastness encapsulates everything from the arid landscapes of West Texas to the swampy bayous of the East.

Australia, being much larger, presents an even broader array of ecosystems. It is home to rainforests in Queensland, vast deserts in the center like the Simpson and Great Victoria, rocky outcrops like the iconic Uluru, snow-capped mountains in the Australian Alps, and an extensive coastline that includes the world-famous Great Barrier Reef.

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Population and Development

Another intriguing aspect to compare is population. Texas is home to about 31.5 million people. Its cities like Houston, Dallas, and San Antonio are bustling metropolitan areas with sprawling suburbs and all the amenities one would expect from major American cities.

Australia, despite its vast size, has a population of just over 27 million, less than Texas. Most of these residents are clustered around coastal cities such as Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane. The interior, colloquially known as the “Outback,” remains sparsely populated due to its arid conditions and challenging environment.

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Climate Comparisons

Texas, being smaller, has a somewhat less diverse climate than Australia but still offers a range. The eastern part of Texas, including cities like Houston, experiences humid subtropical conditions, while the western parts, like El Paso, are a rider. Summers can be scorching, especially in cities like Austin and Dallas, while winters, especially in the northern and Panhandle areas, can see cold spells and occasional snow.

Australia’s climate is highly varied, reflecting its vast size. The northern regions, such as Cairns and Darwin, have a tropical climate with distinct wet and dry seasons. Conversely, the southern parts, including Melbourne and Adelaide, experience a temperate maritime climate with colder winters. The central part of Australia, which includes the Outback, sees desert and semi-arid conditions, characterized by high temperatures and low rainfall.

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Economic Comparisons

Texas is an economic powerhouse within the U.S. The state boasts a robust economy driven by industries like oil and gas, technology, agriculture, and healthcare. The cities of Houston, Dallas, and Austin are significant economic hubs, with Houston known for its energy industry, Dallas for its corporate headquarters, and Austin for its booming tech scene.

Australia’s economy is multifaceted, with sectors like mining, agriculture, finance, tourism, and education playing pivotal roles. Cities like Sydney and Melbourne are global financial centers. The vast landscapes of Western Australia and Queensland are rich in minerals, making Australia a significant exporter of resources like coal, iron ore, and gold.

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Cultural and Historical Comparisons

Both Texas and Australia share a rich tapestry of indigenous cultures. Texas has a deep Native American history, with tribes like the Apache, Comanche, and Karankawa having lived in the region for thousands of years. The state’s history also reflects its time under Spanish and Mexican rule before becoming a part of the U.S.

Australia’s Aboriginal cultures are some of the oldest continuous cultures in the world, with a history spanning over 65,000 years. From the Dreamtime stories that explain the creation of the land and its creatures to the rich artistic traditions, Indigenous Australians have a profound connection to the land.

Both regions have faced challenges in recognizing and reconciling with their indigenous populations, and efforts are ongoing to ensure that these foundational cultures are acknowledged and respected.

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Whether through the lens of geography, economy, or culture, Australia and Texas shine as prime examples of nature’s grandeur and human endeavor. Their shared spirit of resilience and diversity, set against the backdrop of their distinct characteristics, underscores the beauty of our global tapestry. The next time you gaze upon the vastness of the Outback or the plains of Texas, remember the interconnected narratives they both bring to our world’s story.


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