How and When to Grow Sunflowers in Texas


In Texas, the optimal time to harvest sunflower seedlings is around the middle of March and April. Sunflower seedlings can still be sown between May and June but will mature in the autumn.

Seeds should be spread 10–13 inches apart and sown in lines. Sunflowers can thrive in a range of soil types and can withstand some dryness, but the most essential part is making sure they get complete daylight sunlight.


Best Time to Grow Sunflower in Texas

Sunflower seedlings are best when the ground temperature exceeds 45 degrees Fahrenheit in the springtime. However this differs by area in Texas, you may anticipate starting growing sunflower seedlings in south Texas in mid-March, with perfect sowing temps coming in north Texas by April.

  • Whenever the ground temperature exceeds 50°F, it’s time to sow.
  • Throughout most parts of Texas, the sowing season starts in the middle of March and lasts until early April.
  • Sunflowers seedlings can withstand freezing temperatures as 25°F.

No need to be concerned if you sow early spring and your area has a cold spell. Sunflower plants can withstand freezing temperatures as 25°F, and seedlings may germinate at 40° Fahrenheit.

How to Plant a Sunflower in Texas (Step-By-Step)

Sunflower seedlings should be sown in a region that receives evening light and is shielded by the breeze. Sunflowers may grow high as they age and a lot of content blossoms. They can be blown over by strong winds. Abide by the rules while sowing sunflower seedlings:

  • Pick a spot that gets direct afternoon sunshine.
  • For heavy breeze protection, build fences beside the field.
  • Seedlings should be spaced 10–13 inches wide.
  • Whether you’re trying to plant many lines, make sure they’re 35 inches across.
  • Seeds should be planted 2–3 inches aside.
  • Following planting, water the region to hydrate the ground to the bottom of the seedlings.
  • Sunflowers seedlings need to be watered every day for 12–15 days to bloom.

Sunflower seedlings can grow from the shallow planting depth but do not be hesitant to hide them with earth to keep scavenger birds away. Sunflower seedlings should not be planted deep to 4 inches, since this may prevent them from sprouting.

How to Take Care of Sunflowers

  • Water once a week after the sunflowers have sprouted to hydrate the ground to a range of 4–6 inches.
  • When you’re using a soaker hose to hydrate your sunflower plants, 60 minutes in 1 week should be plenty.
  • Foxes as well as other wildlife creatures won’t be able to access your field and devour your sunflowers if you build a fence.
  • For keeping birds away from your sunflowers, apply bird nets.

Most creatures are attracted by sunflowers since they are colorful and nourishing. Animals will typically consume sunflower seedlings before plants bloom when they’re not covered. Squirrels and rodents are also known to consume the seeds from nearly mature sunflower tops. Protecting your sunflowers with fencing and netting is essential.

How Much Time Does It Take For Sunflower to Bloom

Most sunflower types develop around 85 to 100 days, making them a rather rapid bloom for their height. The tallest sunflower kinds may reach heights with over sixteen feet, whereas lesser versions are designed for tiny areas and pots and seldom grow taller than a half meter! Inside the big seeding types, its flower tops can grow to be around Twelve inches wide.

Selecting a Spot for Growing Sunflowers

  • Look for a sunny area. Sunflower plants thrive in areas with plenty of sunshine (7 to 9 hours each day), and they need lengthy, warm summers to blossom effectively.
  • Select a site with well-drained ground.  Once it rains, there should be no pooling of water.
  • Sunflower plants are not fussy; however, the ground should not be compacted. Sunflowers possess lengthy branch stems which need to spread out, so go down 2.5 feet deep and 4 feet broad when creating beds.
  • Whenever it relates to ground pH, they are also not picky. Sunflowers grow on soil that is mildly acidic to mildly alkaline.
  • Sunflowers are strong growers; hence nutritionally ground containing organic compounds and decomposed manure is required.

Final Note

If you’re still worried about how to start planting sunflowers on your farm we got you! Here we explained every bit on how and when to grow sunflowers in Texas. There are several variations to select among, simply select a flower kind, a quantity, and get planting. Sunflower plantlets are simple to produce from seeds once they bloom.

William Richmond
William Richmond
A Born Texan! Who loves to write about Texas. By profession, he is the owner of a big ranch having 4 children and a gorgeous wife.


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