Fisher County, Texas


Fisher County – History, Demography, Government and Others

Fisher County, Texas

History of Fisher County

It was formed in 1876. county was formed in 1876. It was then reorganized by 1886. It was named after Samuel Rhoads Fisher, a author of the Texas Declaration of Independence and an official of the Navy of the Republic of Texas. Fisher County was one of thirty prohibition-free, or completely dry counties in Texas and is currently completely wet.


In in the census of 2000, there were 4,344 people, 1,785 households and 1,244 families inhabited the county. The density of the population of five persons per sq mile (2/km 2). The housing units in the 2,277 were 2 per sq mile (1/km 2). The ethnic makeup in the County was 83.75 percent White, 2.76% Black or African American, 0.37% Native American, 0.14% Asian, 11.58% from other races and 1.40 percentage of at least two races. The county was home to 21.36 percent of the population comprised Hispanic or Latino from any race.

Of the households of 1,785, 27.60% had children who were younger than 18 living in the household, 58.90% were married couples living together, 8.10% had a female householder who had no husband and 30.30 percent were not families. The majority of households comprised 28.30 percent of households were comprised of people as well as 17.80 percent had someone living on their own who was aged 65 or older. or older. The median household size is 2.39 and the median family size was 2.93.

The county’s population was divided as 23.90 percent of people below the age of 18, 6.30% from 18 to 24. 23.00 percent from 25 to 44 24.10 percentage from the age of 45 until 64 from 45 to 64, and 22.70 percent of those aged 65 years or older. the age of 65 or over. It was the average age of 43. To every female it was 92.90 males. In 100 women 18 and above they had 89.80 males.

The median earnings for households within the County was $27.659 and for a family , $34,907. Males earned a median of $25,071 as opposed to the females’ $20,536. The per-capita amount of income in the County was $11,120. The county had a population of 13.50 percent of households and 17.50 percent of the population lived under the poverty limit that includes 27.40 percent of the population younger than 18 years old and 10.50 percent of people 65 and over.


Fisher County Government

Fisher County, Texas – Cities

  1. Hamlin (mostly in Jones County)
  2. Roby (county seat)
  3. Rotan

Fisher County, Texas – Unincorporated communities

  • Hobbs
  • Longworth[16] (birthplace of Poker Hall of Fame inductee Doyle Brunson)[17]
  • McCauley
  • Sylvester

Adjacent Counties

Photos of Significant Location and Monuments

School Districts

  • Roby Consolidated Independent School District
  • Rotan Independent School District
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William Richmond
William Richmond
A Born Texan! Who loves to write about Texas. By profession, he is the owner of a big ranch having 4 children and a gorgeous wife.


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