How To Discuss Your Pain with Your Doctor: A Comprehensive Guide


Discuss your pain with your doctor is an essential step in managing your health and addressing any underlying issues. Sometimes it can be difficult to talk about pain with your doctor. Especially as many, unfortunately, still don’t take their patients seriously in regards to the severity of their symptoms. But there’s still hope.

Effective communication is key when it comes to managing your pain and receiving the appropriate treatment. In this post, we’ll discuss how you should go about discussing your pain with your doctor so that your message gets across clearly, and you get the treatment you need.

Describe your pain with specificity

When describing your pain to your doctor, it’s important to be as specific as possible. Instead of saying “I have a headache”, try to describe the type of pain you’re experiencing. Is it a sharp or dull pain? Is it constant or intermittent? Where in your head is the pain located?

These details can help your doctor better understand the potential cause of your pain and determine the most appropriate treatment plan for you. Otherwise, your doctor is left guessing, and that can lead to some pretty poor medical treatment.

Here’s a list of some more words your can use to describe different types of pain:

  • Sore
  • Burning
  • Aching
  • Gnawing
  • Cramping
  • Biting
  • Stabbing
  • Dull
  • Throbbing
  • Shooting
  • Tingling

Be clear about your pain scale 

You’ve probably heard a doctor or nurse ask you to rate your level of pain on a scale of 1-10. The problem is, that everyone responds to pain differently, and some people exaggerate. This makes it hard for doctors to know what any number on a given scale means to you.

To mitigate this, be very specific. What does zero mean? No pain, or almost no pain? Does ten mean you’re giving birth or do you just want it to stop? To make things easier, the following descriptions should help you provide a more accurate rating:

  • 0: No pain at all
  • 1-3: Mild pain that is barely noticeable and does not interfere with daily activities
  • 4-6: Moderate pain that is bothersome but can still be managed
  • 7-9: Severe pain that is significantly affecting daily activities
  • 10: The worst pain imaginable

By being clear and specific with your pain scale ratings, your doctor can better understand the severity of your pain and make more accurate treatment decisions. It’s also important to update your doctor on any changes in your pain level throughout the course of treatment.

Keep a pain journal

One of the best ways to accurately communicate your pain to your doctor is by keeping a pain journal. This can be a simple notebook or an app on your phone where you record your pain levels, symptoms, and any triggers that may have caused an increase in pain.

Your doctor can use this information to identify patterns and potentially adjust your treatment plan accordingly. It’s also helpful to include any activities or treatments that have provided relief. By keeping a pain journal, you can take an active role in your treatment and provide your doctor with valuable insights.

Describe how your pain interferes with your life

In addition to describing the physical sensations of your pain, it’s important to also explain how it affects your daily life. Are there any activities you can no longer do or enjoy because of your pain? Has it affected your sleep, mood, or relationships? 

By providing this information, your doctor can better understand the impact that pain is having on your overall well-being and make more informed decisions about your treatment options.

For example, your doctor may be more comfortable prescribing something like medical marijuana if you explain that traditional pain medications have negative side effects on your mental health —and you have documentation of these effects in your pain journal.

If you are a resident of New York and are seeking alternative options for pain treatment, you may benefit from medical marijuana. Visit Veriheal to learn more.

Bring a support buddy

Sometimes it’s hard to describe your pain accurately when you’re in the middle of a doctor appointment. Words get jumbled and you can’t remember exactly what you wanted to say, so your message gets lost in the sauce, so to speak.

That’s why it might be beneficial to bring a support buddy —someone who knows your pain and can also help you accurately describe it. They can also offer emotional support and advocate for you if necessary. Together, you can ensure that your doctor fully understands your pain and its impact on your life.

Also Read : Don’t Settle for Mediocre! Why Biohacking is the Key to Optimal Living


Talking about pain with your doctor can be challenging, but it’s important to be open and honest in order to receive the best treatment. By following these tips, you can effectively communicate with your doctor and work towards managing your pain together. Remember, you are the expert on your own pain and your doctor is there to help you find relief. So don’t be afraid to speak up and advocate for yourself. Your health and well-being depend on it!


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